🇨🇦 Swiss Heritage in Western Canada - Edelweiss Village in Golden, British Columbia

Unfortunately, at the present moment there is a gnawing uncertainty about the Village’s future. The historic homes of these pioneering Swiss mountain guides sit empty and are on the market. So what now, Edelweiss?

This is where a preservation / conservation effort spearheaded by Johann Roduit and Ilona Spaar comes in. Roduit is a recently elected Swiss delegate for Western Canada on the Council of the Swiss Abroad; Spaar is a historian and author of Swiss Guides: Shaping Mountain Culture in Western Canada (© 2010 by the Consulate General of Switzerland in Vancouver), a fascinating read. Looking for ways to ensure the Village's survival for many years to come, Roduit and Spaar have embarked on a Saving Swiss Edelweiss Village campaign and six-step action plan that has been gathering steam.

See article in the Swiss Review - Regional News in Canada


🇨🇦 Golden’s Swiss Village Foundation crowdfunds to save property


🇨🇭Steine gehauen und Berge bestiegen