🇨🇭Schweizer Pioniere in Übersee
Über das Edelweiss Village wurde in letzter Zeit viel gesprochen, jenen Weiler, der für die ersten Schweizer Bergführer in Kanada gebaut wurde. Weniger bekannt sind die Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner, die in die Rockies «importiert» wurden, um dort die Anfänge des Bergsteigens zu betreuen. Sie haben einen bleibenden Eindruck hinterlassen.
🇨🇦Digital preservation of Golden’s Swiss Village begins
The first milestone towards the preservation of Golden’s historic Edelweiss Swiss Village has been reached, with a virtual tour available online.
🇬🇧 Campaigners fight to preserve amazing time-warp Swiss-style village in Canada, built for legendary guides from Switzerland who transformed mountaineering in the Rockies
A crowd-funding campaign is under way to save one of the quirkiest and historically fascinating places in Canada – a 101-year-old Swiss-style time-warp village in the heart of the Rocky and Selkirk mountains
🇨🇦 Graphic design grad aims to save a historic community with new documentary
The short documentary, about the uncertain future of a historic Swiss village in Golden, BC, premiered at the 2021 Abbotsford Film Festival and has received global praise and press.
“I was expecting this to get maybe 120 views on YouTube, and honestly, that would have been enough for me,” says Candia, whose film has already accumulated over 78,000 impressions and seen in over 85 countries. “I thought this was an important story to document and share.”
🇨🇦 Campaign to save century-old Swiss-inspired village in B.C. by group trying to preserve its history
A group trying to preserve a piece of British Columbia's history is asking for the public's help to purchase the land.
The group that calls itself Saving Swiss Edelweiss Village launched a fundraising campaign in an effort to save the aging homes of Swiss mountain guides who lived in Canada's Rocky Mountains.
🇨🇭Le village de montagne suisse au Canada va-t-il disparaître?
Il y a quatre mois, Blick vous racontait l'histoire d'Edelweiss Village niché dans les montagnes Rocheuses canadiennes, et la disparition qui le menace. Aujourd'hui, deux expatriés suisses veulent donc le racheter via le site de financement participatif GoFundMe.
🇨🇦 Golden’s Swiss Village Foundation crowdfunds to save property
Golden’s Swiss Village Foundation crowdfunds to save property
🇨🇦 Swiss Heritage in Western Canada - Edelweiss Village in Golden, British Columbia
Having discovered a gem, one does not want to risk losing it! Unfortunately, at the present moment, there is a gnawing uncertainty about the Village’s future. The historic homes of these pioneering Swiss mountain guides sit empty and are on the market. So what now, Edelweiss?
🇨🇭Steine gehauen und Berge bestiegen
Eduard Feuz aus Gsteigwiler war einer der Ersten, die dem Alpinismus in den Rocky Mountains zum Aufschwung verhalfen. Doch die Familie des Bergführers hat auch im Oberland ihre Spuren hinterlassen.
🇨🇭A vendre: Edelweiss, village suisse à 10 000 km de chez nous
Au Canada, la récente mise en vente de l’historique village des guides suisses met en lumière l’héritage de ces professionnels dans les Rocheuses. Explication avec le Valaisan qui fait tout pour sauver ce patrimoine.
🇨🇦 Duo endeavours to save 'birthplace of Canadian mountaineering,' Edelweiss Swiss Village
A piece of Canadian mountaineering history is up for sale near Golden, B.C., in the form of a small Swiss-inspired village, while a movement to preserve the area as a historical landmark is continuing to gain traction.
🇵🇱 Szwajcarska wioska w Kanadzie trafiła na sprzedaż. Mieszkańcy boją się, że historia Edelweiss Village zostanie zapomniana
Szwajcarska wioska w Kanadzie trafiła na sprzedaż. Mieszkańcy boją się, że historia Edelweiss Village zostanie zapomniana
🇵🇱 W Kanadzie można kupić niewielką historyczną wioskę
Dlatego też historyczka dr Ilona Spaar i członek zarządu szwajcarsko-kanadyjskiej izby handlowej dr Johann Roduit, postanowili stworzyć inicjatywę Saving Swiss Edelweiss Village. Ich zdaniem ta niewielka wioska „reprezentuje jedno z najważniejszych miejsc narodzin alpinistycznej historii zachodniej Kanady”.
Article in Polish
🇵🇱 Szwajcarska wioska w... Kanadzie na sprzedaż
Article in Poland: Dlatego też historyczka dr Ilona Spaar i członek zarządu szwajcarsko-kanadyjskiej izby handlowej dr Johann Roduit, postanowili stworzyć inicjatywę Saving Swiss Edelweiss Village. Ich zdaniem ta niewielka wioska "reprezentuje jedno z najważniejszych miejsc narodzin alpinistycznej historii zachodniej Kanady"..
🇨🇦 B.C. Swiss-style community, Edelweiss Village, up for sale for $2.3M
“Saving Edelweiss Village wants to “preserve and promote Edelweiss Village for present and future generations to enjoy, making it a gift for all communities to enjoy."
🇨🇭Rettungsaktion für ein kleines Schweizer Dorf in den Rockies
Rettungsaktion für Schweizer Dorf in den Rockies. Bergführer aus dem Berner Oberland standen am Ursprung des Bergsteigens in Kanada. Doch ihre historischen Chalets drohen zu verfallen.
🇨🇦 CBC - Swiss Canadians in B.C. are trying to save century-old chalets in the Canadian Rockies
"It's a moral responsibility to preserve this huge heritage”
🇨🇦 CBC Radio - A piece of Swiss history
A piece of Swiss history is up for grabs in the Rocky Mountains. We hear from a group who wants to buy in in order to preserve the site.
🇨🇦 Saving Golden’s Swiss Village
Saving Golden’s Swiss Village: Dr. Johann Roduit and Dr. Ilona Spaar reflect on iconic B.C. spot
The historic Edelweiss Village has been for sale for over a year, and preservation talks are moving